East Point Horspice (EPH) is a place where the healing can begin. Due to the ability of the horse to touch our lives
in so many incredible ways, EPH finds it easy to be dedicated to their needs and to offer a helping hand when some need it
Remarkably, through a horse's honest, genuine, and compassionate nature, EPH has discovered that it often becomes the horses that can do more than
their share of the healing, the loving, and the enriching of the lives of all who are fortunate to be near them.
Some of EPH Goals include:
- Offer any necessary aid for equines when there may have existed neglect or abuse
- Provide shelter, rehabilitation and adoption to those animals in need of these services
- Create an atmosphere where any horse or person with which we come into contact will improve physically and emotionally,
therefore developing a rewarding relationship for all concerned
- Offer educational programs to the community through horsemanship training, riding lessions, enlightenment of natural horsemanship
and non-ciolent training techniques
- Nurture therapeutic relationships between people and horses through riding programs and meaningful contact